sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

ROMAN TOWN by Conrad Mason ang Alfredo Belli

ROMAN TOWN by Conrad Mason ang Alfredo Belli.

  1. Where do the Flavius live?
  2. Where is it?
  3. Who are the people in the family?
  4. What language do they speak?
  5. How many houses do they have?
  6. What is the Latin for “hello”?
  7. Now have a look at the town.
  8. Where do people  watch the  chariot races?
  9. How does the water flow into town?
  10. Where do Romans go when they want to watch fights?
  11. What do people do in the crescent –shaped building?
  12. What do they call the big square in the center of the tow?
  13. What is the building with the columns used for?
  14. What do they keep in the warehouse?

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